photo: Debra Meese

Dr. Debra Meese

Dr. Debra Meese

Adjunct Faculty
970-526-2900 |


  • Ph.D. Earth Science, University of New Hampshire
  • Doctor of Optometry, New England College of Optometry


  • On the Spot Cash Award, 1989, 1992, 2000
  • Antarctic Service Medal, 1990
  • Invention Award, 1992, 1994
  • Performance Award, 1994, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002
  • CRREL Research and Development Achievement Award, 1994
  • Quality Step Increase, 1995
  • Certificate of Achievement, July 1997, November 1997
  • Special Act Award, 1997
  • Commander’s Award for Civilian Service, 1997, 2001


  • Obbard, R.W., K.E. Sieg, I. Baker, D. Meese, G.A. Catania, 2011, Microstructural evolution in the fine-grained region of the Siple Dome (Antarctica) ice core, Journal of Glaciology, 57(206):1046-1056.
  • Spaulding, NE, D.A. Meese, I. Baker, 2011, Advanced Microstructural Characterization Of Four East Antarctic Firn/Ice Cores, Journal of Glaciology, 57(205):796-810.
  • Spaulding, NE, D.A. Meese, I. Baker, P. A. Mayewski, G. S. Hamilton, 2010, A new technique for firn grain size measurements, Journal of Glaciology, 55(195):12-19.
  • Gow, A.J. and D.A. Meese, 2007, The Distribution and Timing of Tephra Deposition at Siple Dome, Antarctica: Possible Climatic and Rheological Implications, Journal of Glaciology 53(183) 585-596.
  • Gow, A.J. and D.A. Meese, 2007, Physical Properties, Crystalline Textures and C-axis Fabrics of Siple Dome (Antarctica) Ice Core, Journal of Glaciology, 53(183): 573-584.
  • Baker, I., R.W. Obbard, D. Iliescu and D. Meese, 2007, “Microstructural Characterization of Firn”, Hydrological Processes, 21, 1624-1629.
  • Baker, I., R.W. Obbard, D. Iliescu and D. Meese, 2006, ”Microstructural Characterization of Firn”, Proceedings of the 63rd Eastern Snow Conference, Newark, DE, p. 211-218.
  • Gow, A.J., D.A. Meese, R.W. Bialas, 2004, Accumulation variability, density profiles and crystal growth trends in firn and ice cores from West Antarctica, Annals of Glaciology, 39, 101-109.
  • National Research Council of the National Academies, 2004, A Vision for the International Polar Year 2007 - 2008, D.A. Meese, editor, National Academy Press.
  • Taylor, K.C., R.B. Alley, D.A. Meese, M.K. Spencer, E.J. Brook, .W. Dunbar, R.C. Finkel, A.J. Gow, A.V. Kurbatov, G.W. Lamorey, P.A. Mayewski, E.A. Meyerson, K. Nishizumi, G.A. Zielinski, 2004, Dating the Siple Dome (Antarctica) ice core by manual and computer interpretation of annual layering, Journal of Glaciology, 50(70): 453-461.
  • Taylor, K.C., J.W.C. White, J.P. Severinghouse, E.J. Brook, P.A. Mayewski, R.B. Alley, E.J. Steig, M.K. Spencer, E. Meyerson, D.A. Meese, G.W. Lamorey, A. Grachev, A.J. Gow, B.A. Barnett, 2004, Abrupt climate change around 22 ka on the Siple Coast of Antarctica, Quaternary Science Reviews, 23:1-2(7-15).
  • Shipp, S.S., A. Bruccoli, M. Porter, D. Meese, Facilitating Participant Success: Teachers Experiencing Antarctica and the Arctic Program, 2003, AGU invited presentation, Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract ED32E-01.
  • National Research Council of the National Academies, 2003, Government Data Centers: Meeting Increasing Demands, D.A. Meese, editor, National Academy Press.
  • Taylor, K.C., R.B. Alley, D.A. Meese, M.K. Spencer, E.J. Brook, N.W. Dunbar, R. Finkel, A.J. Gow, A.V. Kurbatov, G.W. Lamorey, P.A. Mayewski, E. Meyerson, K. Nishiizumi, G.A. Zielinski, Dating the Siple Dome, Antarctica Ice Core by Manual and Computer Interpretation of Annual Layering, in review, Journal of Glaciology, submitted August 2003.
  • Bruccoli, Arlyn, Marjorie Porter, Debra Meese, Stephanie Shipp, 2003, Beyond the Polar Research Experience: The Role of Peer Advisement Groups in Realizing Success in a Research Experience Teacher Professional Development Program, American Educational Research Association, Conference Proceedings, in press.
  • Meese, D.A. and A.J. Gow, 2002, Accumulation rates from the ITASE cores, West Antarctica, EOS Trans. AGU, 83(19), Spring Meeting Suppl. Abstract A32B-01, p. S44.
  • Gow, A.J. and D.A. Meese, 2002, On the distribution and timing of volcanic ash and dust fallout in the Siple Dome ice core, EOS Trans. AGU, 83(19), Spring Meeting Suppl. Abstract A32B-05, p. S44.
  • Meyerson, Eric A., Paul A. Mayewski, Sharon Sneed, Andrei Kurbatov, Karl Kreutz, Kendrick Taylor, Gregg Lamorey, John Rhoades, Deb Meese, Richard Alley, 2002, Holocene-Glacial History of the Amundsen Sea Low, EOS Trans. AGU, 83(19), Spring Meeting Suppl. Abstract A32B-10, p. S45.
  • Gow, Anthony J., Debra A. Meese, Robert Bialas, 2002, Density Profiles and Crystal Growth Trends Observed in ITASE Cores From West Antarctica, EOS Trans. AGU, 83(19), Spring Meeting Suppl. Abstract A41A-01, p. S50.
  • Meese, D., S. Shipp, A. Bruccoli, M. Porter and M. Jeffries, 2002, Teachers Experiencing Antarctica and the Arctic: Bringing Polar Science into the Classroom. In, ""Connectivity in Northern Waters"", Program and Abstracts, 53rd Arctic Science Conference, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Arctic Division, 18-21 September 2002, University of Alaska Fairbanks, p. 155.
  • Meese, D., S. Shipp, M. Porter, A. Bruccoli, 2002, One Model for Scientist Involvement in K-12 Education: Teachers Experiencing Antarctica and the Arctic, EOS Trans, AGU, 83(47),Fall Meeting Suppl.
  • Ryerson, C., G. Koenig, R. Melloh, D. Meese, A. Reehorst, and D. Miller, 2001, Spatial Analysis of Great Lakes Regional Icing Cloud Liquid Water Content, 39th Aerospace Sciences Meeting Exhibit, January 8-11, Reno, NV, AIAA-2001-0394.
  • Andrews, J.T., M.E. Kirby, D. Meese, 1998, Late Quaternary Detrital Carbonate (DC-) Layers in Baffin Bay Marine Sediments (67 degrees - 74 degrees N): Correlation With Heinrich Events in the North Atlantic? Quaternary Science Reviews, 17(12):1125-1130.
  • Meese, D.A., E. Reimnitz, W.B. Tucker III, A.J. Gow, J. Bischof and D. Darby, 1997, Evidence for radionuclide transport by sea ice, Science of the Total Environment, 202(267-278).
  • Weis, D., D. Demaiffe, R. Souchez, A.J. Gow and D.A. Meese, 1997, Nd, Sr and Pb isotopic compositions of basal material in Central Greenland: Inferences for ice, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 150(161-169).
  • Taylor, K.C., P.A. Mayewski, R.B. Alley, E.J. Brook, A.J. Gow, P.M. Grootes, D.A. Meese, E.S. Saltzman, J.P. Severinghaus, M.S. Twickler, J.W.C. White, S. Whitlow and G.A. Zielinski, 1997, The Holocene-Younger Dryas transition recorded at Summit, Greenland, Science, 278:825-827.
  • Toxey, J.K., D.A. Meese, K.A. Welch and W.B. Lyons, 1997, The measurement of reactive silicate in saline-hypersaline lakes: Examples of the problem, International Journal of Salt Lake Research , 6:17-23.
  • Meese, D.A., A.J. Gow, R.B. Alley, P.M. Grootes, M. Ram, K.C. Taylor, G.A. Zielinski, J.F. Bolzan, P.A. Mayewski, E.D. Waddington, 1997, The GISP2 depth–age scale: Methods and results, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(C12):26,411-26,424.
  • Alley, R.B., C.A. Shuman, D.A. Meese, A.J. Gow, K.C. Taylor, K.M. Cuffey, J.J. Fitzpatrick, P.M. Grootes, G.A. Zielinski, M. Ram, G. Spinelli, B. Elder, 1997, Visual Stratigraphic dating of the GISP2 ice core: Basis, reproducibility, and application, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(C12):26,367-26,382.
  • Alley, R.B., A.J. Gow, D.A. Meese, J.J. Fitzpatrick, E.D. Waddington and J.F. Bolzan, 1997, Grain-scale processes, folding, and stratigraphic disturbance in the GISP2 ice core, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(C12):26,819-26,830.
  • Gow, A.J., D.A. Meese, R.B. Alley, J.J. Fitzpatrick, S. Anandakrishnan, G.A. Woods and B.C. Elder, 1997, Physical and structural properties of the GISP2 ice core - a review, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(C12):26,559-26,576.
  • Meeker, L.D., P.A. Mayewski, M.S. Twickler, S.I. Whitlow, and D. Meese, 1997, A 110,000 year history of change in continental biogenic emissions and related atmospheric circulation inferred from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project Ice Core, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(C12):26,489-26,504.
  • Gow, A.J. and D.A. Meese, 1996, Nature of basal debris in the GISP2 and Byrd ice cores and its relevance to bed processes, Annals of Glaciology, 22:134-140.
  • Gow, A.J. and D.A. Meese, 1996, Physical Properties Research on the GISP2 Ice Core, Arctic Journal of the United States, 9(Fall/Winter 1995): 23-26.
  • Reimnitz, E., W.B. Tucker, D.A. Meese, A. J. Gow, 1996, Ice-borne sediments from the Russian shelves, EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 77(46):F378.
  • Meese, D.A. and A.J. Gow, 1996, The GISP2 depth-age scale: The bottom 800m, EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 77(46):F429.
  • Reimnitz, E., G. Dunhill, W.B. Tucker III and D.A. Meese, 1996, Sea ice-borne sediment in the Central Arctic Ocean, EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 76(3):OS31.
  • Meese, D.A., W.B.Tucker, L.W. Cooper, I.L. Larsen, J.M. Grebmeier, 1996, Arctic sea ice as a transport mechanism of radionuclides, EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 76(3):OS155.
  • L.W. Cooper, I.L. Larsen, J.M. Grebmeier, T.M. Beasley, D.A. Meese, W.B. Tucker and A.J. Gow, 1996, Radionuclide burdens in sediments entrained in Arctic Ocean sea ice relative to benthic sources and sinks, EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 76(3):OS155.
  • Alley, R.B., A.J. Gow and D.A. Meese, 1995, Mapping C-Axis Fabrics to Probe Ice-Deformation Processes, Journal of Glaciology, 41:197-203.
  • Bolzan, J.F., E.D. Waddington, R.B. Alley and D.A. Meese, 1995, Constraints on Holocene Ice Thickness Changes in Central Greenland from the GISP2 Ice Core Data, Annals of Glaciology, 21:33-39.
  • Cutler, N.N., C.F. Raymond, E.D. Waddington, D.A. Meese and R.B. Alley, 1995, The Effect of Ice Sheet Thickness Change on the Accumulation History Inferred from the GISP2 Layer Thicknesses, Annals of Glaciology, 21:26-32.
  • Alley, R.B., Th. Thorsteinnson, A.J. Gow, S.F. Johnsen, S. Kipfstuhl, and D.A. Meese, 1995, Correspondence to Nature, Regarding the GISP2/GRIP Structural Intercomparison, 373:393-394.
  • O'Brien, S.R., P.A. Mayewski, L.D. Meeker, D.A. Meese, M.S. Twickler and S.I. Whitlow, 1995, Complexity of Holocene climate as reconstructed from a Greenland ice core, Science, 270:1962-1964.
  • Meese, D.A., L. Cooper, I.L. Larsen, W.Tucker, E. Reimnitz and J. Grebmeier, 1995, Cesium-137 contamination in Arctic sea ice, in Environmental Radioactivity in the Arctic, P. Strand and A. Cooke (Eds.), Scientific Committee of the Environmental Radioactivity in the Arctic, pp. 195-198.
  • Alley, R.B., A.J. Gow, D.A. Meese, 1995, Grain-scale processes related to folds in the GISP2 deep ice core, Abstract in EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 76(17):S177.
  • Meese, D.A., R.B. Alley, A.J. Gow, P. Grootes, P.A. Mayewski, M. Ram, K.C. Taylor, E.D. Waddington and G. Zielinski, 1994, Preliminary Depth-Age Scale of the GISP2 Ice Core, CRREL Special Report, 94-1.
  • Meese, D.A., A.J. Gow, P. Grootes, P.A. Mayewski, M. Ram, K.C. Taylor, E.D. Waddington, and G.A. Zielinski, 1994, The Accumulation Record From the GISP2 Core as an Indicator of Climate Change Throughout the Holocene, Science, 266:1680-1682.
  • Meese, D.A., 1994, A Spatial And Temporal Study of the Chemical Properties of Newly Formed Lead Ice, In Vihma, T. (ed.): Evening Sessions of the Summer School on Physics of Ice-Covered Seas, Savonlinna, 6-17 June 1994. Report Series in Geophysics, University of Helsinki, 28.
  • Zielinski, G.A., P.A. Mayewski, L.D. Meeker, S.Whitlow, M.S. Twickler, M. Morrison, D.A. Meese, A.J. Gow and R.B. Alley, 1994, Record of Volcanism Since 7000 B.C. from the GISP2 Greenland Ice Core and Implications for the Volcano-Climate System, Science, 264:948-952.
  • Mayewski, P.A., M. Wumkes, J. Klinck, M.S. Twickler, J.S. Putscher, K.C. Taylor, A.J. Gow, E.D. Waddington, R.B. Alley, J.E. Dibb, P.M. Grootes, D.A. Meese, M. Ram, M. Whalen and A.T. Wilson, 1994, Record Drilling Depth Struck in Greenland, EOS, 75(10):113-119.
  • Mayewski, P.A., L.D. Meeker, S.Whitlow, M.S. Twickler, M.C. Morrsion, P. Bloomfield, G.C. Bond, R.B. Alley, A.J. Gow P.M. Grootes, D.A. Meese, M. Ram, K.C. Taylor and M. Wumkes, 1994, Changes in Atmospheric Circulation and Ocean Ice Cover over the North Atlantic During the Last 41,000 Years, Science, (263):1747-1751.
  • Bender, M., T. Sowers, M. Dickson, J. Orchardo, P. Grootes, P.A. Mayewski, and D.A. Meese, 1994, Climate Connections Between Greenland and Antarctica During the Last 100,000 years, Nature, 372:663-666.
  • Anandakrishnan, S., J.J. Fitzpatrick, R.B. Alley, A.J. Gow and D.A. Meese, 1994, Shear-Wave Detection of Asymmetric C-Axis Fabrics in the GISP2 Ice Core, Journal of Glaciology, 40:491-496.
  • Meese, D., D. Garfield, and J. Rand, 1994, Ice Sampling Concept Description, in McCleese, D.J., S.W. Squyres, S.E. Smrekar, and J.B. Plescia, eds. Mars Surveyor Science Objectives and Measurements Requirements Workshop, JPL Technical Report D12017, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA., pp. 116-117.
  • Meese, D., L. Cooper, I.L. Larsen, W. Tucker, E. Reimnitz, and J. Grebmeier, 1994, Cesium-137 contamination in sea ice, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Monitoring of Nuclear Contamination in Arctic Seas, S. King (Ed.), Naval Research Laboratory Publication NRL/MR/6610--94-7674, pp. VI83-93.
  • Alley, R.B., D.A. Meese, C.A. Shuman, A.J. Gow, K.C. Taylor, P.M. Grootes, J.W.C. White, M. Ram, E.D. Waddington, P.A. Mayewski and G.A. Zielinski, 1993, Abrupt Increase in Greenland Snow Accumulation at the End of the Younger Dryas Event, Nature, 362(6420):527-529.
  • Hammer, C.U., and D.A. Meese, 1993, Dating Ice Cores, Nature, 363:666.
  • Mayewski, P.A., L.D. Meeker, M.C. Morrison, M.S. Twickler, S.I. Whitlow, K.K. Ferland, D.A. Meese, M.R. Legrand and J.P. Steffensen, 1993, Greenland Ice Core ""Signal"" Characteristics Offer Expanded View of Climate Change, Journal of Geophysical Research, 98(D7):12,839-12,847.
  • Meese, D.A., A.J. Gow, R.B. Alley, L. Barlow, P.M. Grootes, P.A. Mayewski, M. Ram, K.C. Taylor, J.W.C. White, E.D. Waddington, G.A. Zielinski, 1993, The Climate of the Last 1000 Years as Seen in the GISP2 Ice Core, Invited Poster, Abstract in EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 74(43):103.
  • Kapsner, W.R., R.B. Alley, S. Anandakrishnan, C.A. Shuman, P.M. Grootes, D.A. Meese, A.J. Gow, 1993, Response of Snow Accumulation to Temperature Variation in Central Greenland, Abstract in EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 74(43):78.
  • Alley, R.B., W. Kapsner, C. Shuman, S. Anandakrishnan, R.C. Finkel, A. J. Gow, P.M. Grootes, P.A. Mayewski, D.A. Meese, K. Nishizumi, and E.D. Waddington, 1993, Clues to the Younger Dryas from Accumulation-Rate Measurements in the GISP2 Ice Core, Abstract in EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 74(43):79.
  • Meese, D.A., A.J. Gow, R.B. Alley, P.M. Grootes, P.A. Mayewski, M. Ram, K.C. Taylor, E.D. Waddingron, G.A. Zielinski and G.C. Bond, 1993, Counting Down...The GISP2 Depth/Age Scale, Abstract in EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 74(43):83.
  • Gow, A.J., D.A. Meese, R.B. Alley, 1993, Discontinuities Including Possible Distortion of the Environmental Record in Cores of Deep Basal Ice from Central Greenland, Abstract in EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 74(43):84.
  • Gow, A.J., D.A. Meese, R.B. Alley and J.J. Fitzpatrick, 1993, Crystalline Structure and C-axis Fabrics of the GISP2 Core From Surface to Bedrock, Abstract in EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 74(43):89.
  • O'Brien, S.M., P.A. Mayewski, L.D. Meeker, M.S. Twickler,S.I. Whitlow, R.B.Alley, A.J. Gow and D.A. Meese, 1993, Atmospheric Changes During the Holocene, Abstract in EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 74(43):90.
  • Gow, A.J., D.A. Meese, R.B. Alley, S. Anandakrishnan and J. Fitzpatrick, 1992, Physical and Structural Properties of the GISP2 Ice Core, Abstract in EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 73(43):175.
  • Meese, D.A., A.J. Gow, R.B. Alley, K. Taylor, and M. Ram, 1992, Variations in Accumulation and Their Relationship to Known Climatic Change as Determined in the Top 719 m of the GISP2 Core, Abstract in EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 73(43):175.
  • Ram, M., A.J. Gow, D.A. Meese, R.B. Alley, C.A. Shuman, and K. Taylor, 1992, 42,000 years and Counting: Factors Relevant to Dating the GISP2 Ice Core from Central Greenland, Abstract in EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 73(43):182.
  • Alley, R.B., C.A. Shuman, D. Meese, A.J. Gow, K. Taylor, M. Ram, E.D. Waddington, and P.A. Mayewski, 1992, An Old, Long, Abrupt Younger Dryas Event in the GISP2 Ice Core, Abstract in EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 73(43):259.
  • Tucker, W.B., D.A. Meese and A.J. Gow, 1992, Physical Properties, Thickness and Surface Relief of Arctic Multiyear Ice, Abstract in EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 73(43):290.
  • Meese, D.A. and J.W. Govoni, 1991, Sea Ice Observations From the Winter Weddell Gyre Study-'89, CRREL Special Report 91-2.
  • Govoni, J.W. and D.A. Meese, 1991, High-Wind Snow Collector for Chemical Analysis, Proceedings of the 1991 Eastern Snow Conference, p. 281-284.
  • Alley, R.B., P.M. Grootes, D.A. Meese, A.J. Gow, K. Taylor and K.M. Cuffey, 1991, Climate at the Greenland Summit: Little Ice Age to Modern, Abstract in EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 72(44):66.
  • Gow, A.J., R.B. Alley and D.A. Meese, 1991, Ice-deformation Processes from Mapping of C-axis Fabrics, Abstract in EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 72(44):150.
  • Mayewski, P.A., M. Twickler, W.B. Lyons, M.J. Spencer, D.A. Meese, A.J. Gow, P. Grootes, T. Sowers, M.S. Watson and E. Saltzman, 1990, The Dominion Range Ice Core, Queen Maud Mountains, Antarctica - General Site and Core Characteristics with Implications. Journal of Glaciology, 36(122):11-16.
  • Gow, A.J., D.A. Meese, D.K. Perovich, W.B. Tucker, III, 1990, The Anatomy of a Freezing Lead, Journal of Geophysical Research, 95(C10):18221-18232.
  • The CEAREX Team, 1990, The CEAREX Drift Experiment, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 71(40):1115-1118.
  • Meese D.A., 1990, The Chemical and Structural Properties of Sea Ice in the Southern Beaufort Sea. In CRREL Monograph 90-1:32-35.
  • Meese, D.A., J.W. Govoni, V.I. Lytle, K. Claffey and S.F. Ackley, 1990, Sea Ice Studies on the Winter Weddell Gyre Study-'89. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 1990 Review, 25(5):116-117.
  • Meese, D.A., J.W. Govoni and S.F. Ackley, 1990, Snow and Sea Ice Thicknesses: Winter Weddell Gyre Study 1989. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 1990 Review, 25(5):118.
  • Govoni, J.W., D.A. Meese and D.K. Perovich, 1990, Optical Measurements on Sea Ice from the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 1990 Review, 25(5):121-122.
  • Meese, D.A., 1990, Chemical and Biological Properties of Newly Forming Lead Ice, Abstract in EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 71(2):129.
  • Gow, A.J., D.A. Meese, D.K. Perovich and W.B. Tucker, III, 1990, Anatomy of a Freezing Lead, Abstract in EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 71(2):129.
  • Meese, D.A., 1989, The Chemical and Structural Properties of Sea Ice in the Southern Beaufort Sea, CRREL Report 89-25, 144 p.
  • Meese, D.A., 1988, The Chemical and Structural Properties of Sea Ice in the Southern Beaufort Sea. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of New Hampshire.
  • Meese, D.A., 1988, The Chemical and Structural Properties of Sea Ice in the Southern Beaufort Sea, Abstract in EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 69(44):1262.
  • Meese, D.A., A.J. Gow, P.A. Mayewski, W. Ficklin, and T.C. Loder, 1987, The Chemical, Physical and Structural Properties of Estuarine Ice in Great Bay, NH, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 24:833-840.
  • Meese, D.A., 1987, The Chemical, Physical and Structural Characteristics of Estuarine Ice in Great Bay, NH: Results of a Two-year Pilot Study. Proceedings of the Forty-third Annual Snow Conference, pp. 80-93.
  • Meese, D.A., 1987, Chemical and Structural Properties of Arctic Sea Ice. Abstract in EOS Transactions. American Geophysical Union, 68(50):1736.
  • Meese, D.A., 1986, The Physical, Structural and Chemical Characteristics of Estuarine Ice in Great Bay, NH. Masters Thesis, University of New Hampshire.

Professional Interests/Associations

  • American Optometric Association
  • Colorado Optometric Association
  • National Glaucoma Society