John DiGirolamo is an anti-human trafficking advocate. He will speak at CMC Leadville on Oct. 2 as part of the college's Speaker Series.
CMC Leadville Speaker Series: John DiGirolamo on protecting children and teens from online exploitation
Noted author and anti-human trafficking advocate will provide tips and strategies on keeping kids safe
On Oct. 2, the next installment in CMC Leadville’s Speaker Series will offer practical tips for helping parents better protect their kids and teens from various forms of online exploitation.
John DiGirolamo’s presentation, “Inside the Mind of the Predator,” will examine how predators operate online and target kids and teens. That will include a frank discussion of the perils of social media, information for online safety and a look at perceptions versus the reality of human trafficking.
DiGirolamo is a critically acclaimed author, speaker and anti-human trafficking advocate. He serves as the board president of Bringing our Valley Hope, a nonprofit located in Chaffee County, whose objective is to end human trafficking in central Colorado through education.
DiGirolamo’s most recent book, “It’s Not About the Predator: A Parent’s Guide to Internet & Social Media Safety,” is a practical guide to help kids remain safe during online activities, with specific, proactive actions parents can take.
“I wrote this book because many of the tactics used by predators engaged in human trafficking are similar to when a predator exploits a child to obtain explicit images or extortion,” he says.
His presentation will be at the CMC Leadville’s Coronado Cafe, 901 S. Highway 24, at 12:15 p.m., and is open to faculty, staff, students and community members, as well as a 1:30 p.m. presentation at the campus’s Pinnacle library.
As a tie-in to DiGirolamo’s topic, at 7 p.m. on Oct. 1, CMC will screen the 2008 Liam Neeson movie “Taken,” the story of an ex-CIA officer tracking down his teenage daughter after she is kidnapped by human traffickers, at CMC’s Pinnacle library, part of CMC’s Movies and Popcorn series.
DiGirolamo will also discuss how predators approach teens online and their tactics, as well as signs of grooming and how pornography feeds extortion.
“Taken,” Sunday’s Movies and Popcorn night feature, tells the story of an ex-CIA officer tracking down his teenage daughter after she is kidnapped by human traffickers while on vacation in France.
According to Cindy Harman, a library technician at CMC Leadville, the movie “Taken” complements the speaker topics, and the public is welcome to join the screening and discussion of the film’s content.