Last year, CMC graduates, faculty, staff, family and friends gathered at the Spring Valley campus's Outdoor Leadership Center and Field House to celebrate three commencement ceremonies for graduates from the college's Aspen, Carbondale, Spring Valley and Glenwood Springs campuses. This year's Spring Valley commencement ceremonies will be on May 3 and 4. Photo by Ben Suddendorf
CMC’s Roaring Fork Valley campuses to hold commencement ceremonies at Spring Valley May 3 and 4
Aspen, Carbondale, Spring Valley and Glenwood Springs students to graduate together
April 20, 2024 – Graduates from Colorado Mountain College’s Roaring Fork Valley campuses in Aspen, Carbondale, Spring Valley and Glenwood Springs will participate in three commencement ceremonies at CMC Spring Valley on May 3 and 4.
Collegewide, 12 ceremonies total will be held at 11 locations throughout the CMC region on May 3, 4 and 6 to celebrate the accomplishments of the college’s graduating class of 2024.
Reflecting CMC’s range of educational offerings, students will receive bachelor's and associate degrees, certificates of occupational proficiency, high school equivalency, general education, adult high school and workforce diplomas. Additionally, regional high school students in CMC’s concurrent enrollment program will walk alongside graduates to receive their college-level certificates and degrees.
CMC Spring Valley at Glenwood Springs
The three commencement ceremonies at CMC’s Spring Valley campus will recognize the achievements of Roaring Fork Valley students.
Colorado Law Enforcement Training Academy commencement
CLETA will lead off the ceremonies at the Spring Valley campus with its commencement at 1 p.m. on Friday, May 3. Aspen Police Chief Kim Feber will give the keynote address.
With 27 years of experience in rural, suburban and state law enforcement, Feber was appointed Aspen’s police chief a year ago last April. Feber earned a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice administration from Columbia College in Missouri before starting her career with the Littleton Police Department in 1989 as a patrol officer. She progressed to detective, investigations sergeant, investigations commander and investigations/support services division chief. Her most recent position before moving to Aspen was serving with the Stirling (Colorado) Police Department.
Spring Valley nurse pinning and commencement
A nurse pinning and commencement ceremony for Spring Valley’s nursing graduates will be held at 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 4. Giving the keynote address will be Elaine Gerson, Aspen Valley Hospital’s chief operating officer and general counsel.
Prior to her career at Aspen Valley Hospital, Gerson worked as a nurse at a level 1 trauma center. She worked at several U.S. Air Force hospitals and was deployed to the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm in 1990. Gerson joined Aspen Valley Hospital in 2000 as a staff nurse in the cardiology department and intensive care unit, which led to numerous promotions through the years. Now in her current role of COO and general counsel, Gerson also serves on the hospital district’s board of directors. Gerson earned a Bachelor of Science in nursing, an MBA in health care administration and management, and a law degree in regulatory compliance.
Spring Valley general commencement
The general commencement ceremony at 12 p.m., Saturday, May 4 will include graduates from the Aspen, Carbondale, Spring Valley and Glenwood Springs campuses. Mario Carrera, former chief executive officer of Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy and Research Organization, and former chief revenue officer of Entravision, will give the keynote address. Carrera also serves on the advisory board of CMC's Isaacson School for Communication, Arts and Media.
As a media and marketing communications professional with over 20 years of experience, Carrera has a passion for strengthen Colorado's Latino community and voice, and empowering Latinos through leadership development, advocacy and policy research.
No one in Carrera’s family spoke English when they immigrated to the United States from Mexico when he was 9 years old. Eight years later, Carrera was awarded a full scholarship to Harvard University.
With his work at CLLARO and Entravision, Carrera has been recognized with multiple awards and honors for his professional and community contributions, including 14 Emmys and the Hispanic Heritage Award from the Denver Broncos and the NFL.
Carrera will also give the keynote address at CMC Rifle’s general commencement ceremony on Friday, May 3.
All Spring Valley’s ceremonies will be held in the Outdoor Leadership Center and Field House, CMC Spring Valley, 3000 County Road 114, Glenwood Springs.
Visit Colorado Mountain College commencement ceremonies for more information on all of CMC's commencement ceremonies.