"The Promise of Spring Valley" capital campaign is nearing its completion. A dedication for the Paul and Shirley Bushong Student Center and the Nursing Education Center is being held on April 28, 2022.
Colorado Mountain College celebrates ‘The Promise of Spring Valley’
CMC Spring Valley to dedicate new student center and nursing simulation lab April 28
Colorado Mountain College will dedicate its newly renovated building, the Paul and Shirley Bushong Student Center, at the Spring Valley campus at a special ceremony on April 28.
In addition to featuring an enhanced dining center and student lounge spaces, the center is home to the Nursing Education Center, which includes a technologically advanced nursing simulation lab that revolutionizes nursing education at the campus. Now, nursing students will be able to complete half of their clinical hours in the lab rather than at off-site hospitals, saving time and expense.
Currently, 34 students are enrolled in CMC Spring Valley’s Associate Degree in Nursing program. The new Nursing Education Center will increase the annual capacity to 48 associate degree students, meaning more registered nurses will be entering the workforce each year. Spring Valley also offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and will be graduating 21 students with a bachelor’s degree this May.
All three regional hospitals – Grand River Health, Valley View Hospital and Aspen Valley Hospital have contributed to the completion of the Nursing Education Center, which prepares nursing students for health care careers at these and other medical facilities.
The public is invited and encouraged to attend the dedication starting at 11 a.m., April 28 at CMC Spring Valley, located 7 miles southeast of Glenwood Springs, up Garfield County Road 114. Lunch will be offered at the campus’s new student center dining hall.
The event celebrates ‘The Promise of Spring Valley,” a $5 million capital campaign that is nearing its completion. The CMC Foundation has received a one-to-one match to help raise the final $375,000 needed.
The Bushong Student Center, named for Carbondale philanthropist Paul Bushong and his late wife Shirley, caps a multiple infrastructure transformation at the campus. In 2019, the 16,000-square-foot J. Robert Young Alpine Ascent Center opened, as well as the Outdoor Leadership Center and Field House. Extensive outdoor improvements have also been made.