Matt Gianneschi and Carrie Besnette Hauser

A ceremony and reception was held Aug. 12 for newly named Colorado Mountain College President Matt Gianneschi and president emerita Carrie Besnette Hauser at Colorado Mountain College Vail Valley at Edwards on Monday, August 12, 2024, in Edwards. Photo by Andy Colwell for Colorado Mountain College

Colorado Mountain College officials reflect on outgoing president’s legacy while ushering in a new era

The college hosted a transition event, honoring outgoing president Carrie Besnette Hauser and appointing Matt Gianneschi

This story by reporter Ali Longwell appeared in the Aug. 15, 2024 Vail Daily and also ran in the Steamboat Pilot, Summit Daily News, Glenwood Post Independent and Aspen Times. 

Colorado Mountain College held a transition event Monday at its Edwards campus for Dr. Carrie Besnette Hauser to officially hand over the presidency — and master key — to Matt Gianneschi.

With the transition official, Gianneschi, who has served as the college’s chief operating officer and chief of staff for 10 years, is the 10th person to serve as president of Colorado Mountain College.

“Welcome to the party,” said Peg Portscheller, chair of the college’s board of trustees.

For complete story, go to the Vail Daily.    

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