Frequently Asked Questions about CMC’s response to the coronavirus outbreak • Preguntas Frecuentes sobre la respuesta de la CMC al brote de coronavirus
Frequently Asked Questions about CMC’s response to the coronavirus outbreak
Preguntas Frecuentes sobre la respuesta de la CMC al brote de coronavirus
March 20, 2020
What is the college doing in response to the novel coronavirus outbreak?
Colorado Mountain College is actively preparing for the possibility of a widespread COVID-19 outbreak in our communities or on campus. CMC leaders are in close communication with local health departments and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), and the collegewide emergency response team is convening every two days throughout this situation. CMC has designated a page on the college website to provide updates, information and guidelines on COVID-19 and on the college’s response to it; see CMC Coronavirus Updates & Information.
As of March 19, 2020, the college:
- Extended students’ spring break for one week
- Beginning March 23, is transitioning credit, ESL and GED/HSE classes to distance learning – which is how they will be offered through May 1
- Canceled non-credit classes and all on-campus events – through May 1
- Canceled 2020 in-person spring commencement ceremonies (while looking into alternative measures to celebrate students’ achievements)
- Made accommodations to allow employees to work at home, where possible and practical
- Put into place expanded cleaning and disinfecting of all locations, through staff and private contractors as needed.
Are there refunds for credit classes?
Course Refunds: Whenever possible, the college will make arrangements to finish the semester. Through the end of the 2020 spring semester, CMC credit classes will be conducted remotely to enable students to complete their educational requirements for the semester on time. Since courses will continue to be taught and courses will not be canceled, there will not be any adjustments to tuition and fees. In the few cases where a physical element of the course may need to be postponed, we will reach out to those students directly with options to continue coursework at a later date.
CMC’s Refund Policy states the college will refund tuition and fees for standard classes (credit classes which span a period longer than five days) if the student drops the class within the first 15 percent of the semester (on or before the refund date). Students will receive a refund of tuition for a short class (one to five days in duration) if they drop the class within two working days (M-F) prior to the first day of class. CMC publishes the refund date for each class in the class syllabus. The refund policy remains unchanged for the remainder of spring 2020 (such as for late starting courses).
Incomplete Grade Option: Students may be eligible for an incomplete grade if they are unable to complete their coursework within the semester. Although current policy requires satisfactory completion of at least 75% of the total course points to be eligible for an incomplete, this requirement may be waived by the instructor, given the current circumstances. The student is responsible for initiating the request for an incomplete grade from the instructor. The incomplete grade is a temporary grade, agreed upon by the instructor, indicating that the student has a satisfactory record of work completed, but for exceptional reasons, was unable to complete final assignments due to unexpected events (and then the student can complete the work in the next term).
Withdrawal Date: This date is published in the course syllabus. A student may withdraw themselves from a course using the Student Planning online registration system up to the 75% date from the start of the course. For the spring 2020 semester, the withdrawal date has been extended until April 15, 2020, for standard term courses (started the first week of the semester and ends the last week of the semester) to provide students additional time for determining whether they wish to withdraw from a course. If the Student Planning online registration system option has expired, students would need to work with their campus registration staff to withdraw.
Are there refunds for residence halls?
Residence Halls: On March 19, the college announced that CMC classes will remain online for the remainder of the semester. As a result, a prorated room and board refund will be calculated. The refund will be available to students who – by March 25, 2020 – notify the campus of their intention to move out. The residence hall will remain open for those students who need to finish the semester living on campus.
Can a campus close operations independent of an official collegewide closure?
No. Campus closures will need to be coordinated with Central Services. However, the president may, based on available information, choose to close one or several campuses without closing the entire college. Campus closures will only occur if the threat of infection is elevated above levels prevalent in the region. CMC will coordinate such decisions with other public agencies, including the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, local hospitals, school districts, and county offices of health and public safety.
When and how should CMC employees and students expect to receive communications about COVID-19?
CMC will continue to post information about COVID-19 and its impact on college operations on the college’s website; see CMC Coronavirus Updates & Information.
In addition, the college will provide information via Basecamp (the college’s intranet for students and employees), social media and/or campus flyers. Instructions or information specific to employees or students may be posted on Basecamp or sent out by email. Please continue to monitor your email, Basecamp and the CMC website through the duration of this situation. Emergency notifications will go out via CMC Alert emergency notifications.
What guidance do you have from Human Resources for employees regarding isolation and leave?
CMC is working to ensure that critical CMC facilities and functions remain operational before, during and after an emergency closure, without jeopardizing the safety of employees. A decision to close should not be viewed merely as a day off.
Employees will be advised of an early release, late report or no report conditions through the CMC Alert emergency notification system, Basecamp intranet and/or email. Employees designated as “critical personnel” will be expected to work even if the college closes. Mandatory isolation due to illness would be considered as sick leave (pending notifications from the governor’s office regarding mandatory paid leave).
Under the following circumstances employees will record their time according to the college’s standard leave usage procedures and will use their available leave:
- individuals with confirmed COVID-19
- individuals exhibiting symptoms of and under investigation for COVID-19.
Certain adaptations to work schedules can be made to accommodate care for dependents while the college is operating under an adjusted work environment. In addition, if individuals who are not considered “high risk” for exposure to COVID-19 would prefer not to enter the workplace, they will be granted paid time off (annual leave) or a leave of absence. If an employee has questions on these or other circumstances, they should contact their supervisor or Human Resources.
If the COVID-19 outbreak continues, will the college close?
CMC is preparing for responses to various scenarios; our response would depend on the severity of a local outbreak and guidance from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and/or the Office of the Governor. These responses already have included transitioning to online instruction through the end of spring semester and encouraging employees to work from home, and might also include issuing incomplete grades (that could be completed in the next term), modifying the semester length where possible, and, if necessary, temporary closure of one or more campuses.
What additional measures will be taken by custodial staff for prevention of the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19?
Campus facility managers have been instructed to increase custodial services with an emphasis on cleaning and disinfecting commonly touched surfaces, in accordance with Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment recommendations. Should a case of COVID-19 be confirmed on campus or at any CMC site, the college would follow specific public health guidelines for cleaning all potentially contaminated areas.
I’m hosting an event on campus. Should I cancel it?
All events on campus have been canceled through May 1.
Will CMC cancel classes?
Temporary class cancellations are possible, as is issuing incomplete grades that can be completed the next term. Credit classes have been moved to distance learning (online and/or Webex). Field trips, course activities, internships and clinical components to courses may need to be modified or canceled.
I have a study abroad trip planned. Will it be canceled?
Currently, all study abroad trips through the summer have been canceled. The first fall study abroad trip is in November, and we will evaluate the viability of this and future trips as we get closer to the trip itself.
How will I know if an on-campus event I am planning to attend is canceled?
Information about canceled events, limited access to facilities or campus closures will be communicated on the CMC website, at CMC Coronavirus Updates & Information. For details on the status of specific events, you may want to contact directly the host CMC campus.
Should I cancel my future on-campus conference, event or meeting that will bring visitors from outside of Colorado?
You may want to consider canceling or postponing large events expected to bring people from out of state. Many organizations are restricting travel, and it is difficult to predict how the COVID-19 situation will evolve locally. The earlier you cancel or make alternative arrangements for the event, the easier it will be for travelers to cancel their plans.
If I feel I’m being treated unfairly, discriminated against or harassed based on my race or ethnicity, what should I do?
The fear of coronavirus has resulted in incidents of bias and harassment against Chinese nationals,
Chinese Americans and people of Asian heritage in many places. Some members of our communities may be dealing with stigma. Please uphold our commitment to inclusivity and antiracism. See CMC’s Notice of Nondiscrimination. The Centers for Disease Control provides information on stigma related to this outbreak.