Masks optional at CMC beginning February 28

Masks optional at CMC beginning February 28

On Monday, February 28, 2022, Colorado Mountain College will replace its mandatory masking procedures with “mask optional” ones, as approved by CMC’s College Council.

The following represent CMC’s procedural guidelines, effective Monday, February 28, 2022:

  • Masks/face-coverings will not be required in CMC buildings, classrooms, or residence halls. Masks will be optional for all.
  • CMC will continue to supply masks for faculty and staff entering CMC buildings, as requested, for the remainder of the spring 2022 academic term.
  • Individuals with symptoms of COVID—fever, headache, “flu-like” symptoms, etc.—are expected to stay at home and not enter a CMC building until after the recommended isolation period or have tested negative for COVID.
  • Individuals that willfully ignore this directive will be subject to enforcement in accordance with the CMC Student Code of Conduct in the Student Handbook or CMC Board Policies, which may include disciplinary actions.
  • Individuals seeking a work or school-related accommodation due to a disability or other qualifying health condition should consult with their supervisors or instructors as soon as practicable.
  • Requests for accommodations for will be considered pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Employee questions about the ADA and related policies, such as Family Medical Leave, should be directed to the Department of Human Resources. Student questions or requests for accommodations under the ADA should be directed to the campus access coordinator.
  • Students requesting adjustments to their courses for bona fide health conditions—that is, moving face-to-face courses to online, livestream, or connected classrooms—should discuss options with their instructors. Modifications to course modalities will be considered on a case-by-case basis within the college’s existing capacities, such as the availability of technology-enabled classrooms or the nature of the course under consideration.
  • Students with general concerns about face-to-face courses are encouraged to use high quality face coverings, such as KN95 masks, which can be supplied by CMC.