The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal Law which gives students certain rights with respect to their educational records.

Once a student reaches 18 years of age or attends a postsecondary institution, he or she becomes an "eligible student," and all rights formerly given to parents under FERPA transfer to the student.

Under FERPA students have the right to:

  • control the disclosure of personally identifiable information (PII) (except in certain circumstances specified in the FERPA regulations)
  • access their education records,
  • seek to have the records amended,
  • file a complaint with the Department of Education.


Colorado Mountain College hereby gives notice that it has designated certain items as "Directory Information" under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.

The following Directory Information concerning students at Colorado Mountain College can be disclosed without prior written consent:

  • Student name
  • dates of attendance
  • enrollment status
  • degrees and awards received
  • activity and sports participation
  • major

Currently enrolled students may choose to withhold disclosure of directory information by submitting the Request to Withhold Directory Information to the Registrar’s Office. Information will be held confidential and the request is effective until rescinded, in writing, by the student.


Educational records are protected and can only be released to a third party with written consent from the student.

If a student wants to allow their parent(s) or guardian (or another individual) access to their educational records they must submit a FERPA Release Of Information Waiver . The release of information waiver authorizes Colorado Mountain College to release any and all information from a student’s education record to the student’s parent(s) guardian (or other individual) designated on the form. This authorization remains in effect until rescinded by the student.

If a student requires the release of specific information for a specific purpose; for example a copy of their immunization records or a grade verification for a scholarship they must submit a FERPA Consent To Release Specific Confidential Information. This authorization is only in force for the specified request. Additional information for additional individuals/agencies must be requested separately.

Please note:
There are some circumstances where Colorado Mountain College can release information from your educational records without written consent according to specific exceptions in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Please see the catalog for more information.

If you have questions concerning FERPA, contact the Colorado Mountain College Registrar’s Office at registrar@coloradomtn.edu.

FERPA FAQs for Students

FERPA FAQs for Parents

FERPA Rights