Buhler, Kerry

Kerry Buhler Kerry Buhler

District 4, Summit County

Kerry Buhler is a career educator having spent 37 years in the public school system. She has served as a teacher, principal, and superintendent during her tenure.

As an educator, Buhler’s passion has been to best serve the needs of all students. Twenty five of her 37 years in education have been serving the students of Summit School District.  Her experience includes strategic visioning and planning, district operations, curriculum and assessment development, budget oversight and advisor to the School Board.

Buhler worked closely with district and school leaders, teachers, and community members to develop a Master Plan and passed and provided oversight of a Bond of $88 million dollars to provide state of the art facilities for all students.  Negotiations with the Town of Breckenridge resulted in a land trade for employee housing as well as additional land for future school sites. Buhler also successfully participated in Interest Based Bargaining with the Teachers Association to negotiate salary and benefits.

Community involvement has included involvement in the Rotary, Optimist, serving as a Board Member for Early Childhood Options and Keystone Science School as well as currently serving on the St. Anthony Summit Hospital Community Board.

Buhler and her husband John live in Summit County, recently moving to Silverthorne after living in Breckenridge for 27 years. John is the retired COO of Breckenridge Ski Resort and an avid skier and golfer. They have two daughters, Sarah, and Shannon. Sarah has followed in her mother’s footsteps as a literacy teacher in Frisco while Shannon is in the ski business, most recently becoming the General Manager of Stowe in Vermont.