Student Payment Plans
Pay your tuition and fees in monthly installments
Get started with easy access for students and their authorized users (including parents and guardians).
Credit Students:
- Log on to Basecamp
- In the Student Self Service tiles, go to Student Finance. On the Account Summary page, under Helpful Links, select Set up a Payment Plan.
Authorized Users:
- A Student must first grant permission to Authorized User(s) in their Student Payment Center.
- Once created, authorized users will receive an email prompting their logon setup.
- Authorized Users can access the Student Payment Center. Select the Payment Plans tab.
If you have questions about your payment plan or your Student Account, please contact your Local Campus Fiscal Manager or Student Receivables Manager. If you are an Authorized User having troubles logging into the Student Payment Center, please contact TouchNet Customer Service directly at 888-621-4451 for user name and/or password help.
Payment of tuition, fees and charges may be extended over the course of a semester through the online enrollment in optional payment plans. Re-enrollment is required each semester if the student chooses to participate.
A student may authorize other users (such as parents, guardians, grandparents, spouses or any other individual) to pay charges on the student’s behalf. Due to federal privacy laws, authorized users will not automatically receive a bill. Granting payment plan access by authorizing a payer is separate from FERPA Consent.
Third party sponsors may not be an authorized user under the student’s payment plan. A third party sponsor is an entity who pays the educational expenses on behalf of a non-related student when billed for the student’s eligible charges by Colorado Mountain College.
- Minimum semester balance necessary to participate is $50.00.
- Payments must be made via automatic deduction from a regular United States checking or savings account (ACH), or credit/debit card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express).
- The student account must not have a past due balance from previous semesters.
Payment Plan Owner
- The plan owner is the person currently enrolled in the payment plan. (Students can only be enrolled in one plan per term.) If a student enrolls in a payment plan and then a second person enrolls in a payment plan on behalf of the student, that second person becomes the payment plan owner. Any valid payments made by the student through the student’s original payment plan will apply to the student’s account balance.
- Payment methods may be changed after enrollment. For example, if the plan’s established payment method was a checking account, but the student or authorized user wishes to make future scheduled payments with a credit card, the payment method can be edited through Student Finance for students or through the Student Payment Center for authorized users.
- The student or authorized user can edit the payment method in their Student Payment Center (instructions can be found on Basecamp/Student Accounts, Frequently Asked Questions.)
Costs to Participate
- A $25.00 per semester enrollment fee is required at the time of payment plan enrollment. Upon completion of the online payment plan sign up, the enrollment fee is charged immediately.
- Any returned ACH payment is assessed a $25.00 fee.
Dates and Deadlines
All Payment Arrangements, (including Make a Payment, Payments Plans, and eligible Financial Aid) need to be completed approximately four weeks prior to the first day of the semester to avoid being dropped from classes.
Payment Arrangement Deadline
All students will need to finalize payment arrangements in full by the Payment Arrangement Deadline, which is approximately 4 weeks prior to each term start. This is needed to ensure your class seat and avoid your being dropped from classes. If you enroll after this published deadline, then your arrangements need to be in place before midnight of the day following registration.
Please access Basecamp and then the Student Payment Center for your specific account details, to make a payment, or to create a payment plan. In addition to standard direct payment methods, Colorado Mountain College accepts indirect payment via student financial aid, third party sponsorship, or Payment Plans, but the responsibility for payment remains with you.
Summer Early Registration Opens
The Early Bird Plan
- Enrollment Opens: 1st Day of Summer Early Registration
- Enrollment Deadline: The Summer Payment Deadline
- Down Payment Due at Enrollment: 0%
- Max Number of Installments: Four (4)
- Installment Payment Dates: May to August
Summer Payment Deadline
The Early Enrollment Plan
- Enrollment Opens: On the Summer Payment Deadline
- Enrollment Deadline: The 1st Day of the Summer Semester
- Down Payment Required at Enrollment: 20%
- Max Number of Installments: Four (4)
- Installment Payment Dates: May to August
1st Day of the Summer Semester
The Standard Plan
- Enrollment Opens: The 1st Day of the Summer Semester
- Enrollment Deadline: The End of the Summer Semester
- Down Payment Required at Enrollment: 25%
- Max Number of Installments: Three (3)
- Installment Payment Dates: June to August
- For exact dates, please reference the CMC Academic Calendar
- Students have the option of selecting a payment due date of the 5th or the 20th of each month.
- The Max Number of Installments refers to the maximum possible installments if a student enrolls during the first month of plan availability. Any plan enrollments after the first month will be enrolled for the remaining installments available in the plan.
Fall Early Registration Opens
The Early Bird Plan
- Enrollment Opens: 1st Day of Fall Early Registration
- Enrollment Deadline: The Fall Payment Deadline
- Down Payment Due at Enrollment: 0%
- Max Number of Installments: Seven (7)
- Installment Payment Dates: May to November
Fall Payment Deadline
The Early Enrollment Plan
- Enrollment Opens: On the Fall Payment Deadline
- Enrollment Deadline: The 1st Day of the Fall Semester
- Down Payment Required at Enrollment: 20%
- Max Number of Installments: Four (4)
- Installment Payment Dates: August to November
1st Day of the Fall Semester
The Standard Plan
- Enrollment Opens: The 1st Day of the Fall Semester
- Enrollment Deadline: The End of the Fall Semester
- Down Payment Required at Enrollment: 25%
- Max Number of Installments: Three (3)
- Installment Payment Dates: September to November
Spring Early Registration Opens
The Early Bird Plan
- Enrollment Opens: 1st Day of Spring Early Registration
- Enrollment Deadline: The Spring Payment Deadline
- Down Payment Due at Enrollment: 0%
- Max Number of Installments: Six (6)
- Installment Payment Dates: November to April
Spring Payment Deadline
The Early Enrollment Plan
- Enrollment Opens: On the Spring Payment Deadline
- Enrollment Deadline: The 1st Day of the Spring Semester
- Down Payment Required at Enrollment: 20%
- Max Number of Installments: Four (4)
- Installment Payment Dates: January to April
1st Day of the Spring Semester
The Standard Plan
- Enrollment Opens: On the Spring Payment Deadline
- Enrollment Deadline: The 1st Day of the Spring Semester
- Down Payment Required at Enrollment: 25%
- Max Number of Installments: Four (4)
- Installment Payment Dates: January to April
Payment Plan Balances
- The “Eligible Charges and Credits” will be displayed during payment plan enrollment. The net of the following elements will create the “Balance” that will be used to create the plan:
- “Tuition” and “Fees and Charges” are totals of all current charges at the time of enrollment less any completed third party sponsor credits.
- “Financial Aid” includes all transmittable financial aid accepted by the student at the time of enrollment. Students who have been offered financial aid awards but have not yet accepted them will not see estimated financial aid in their Student Payment Center. Students can access their Self Service Financial Aid tab on Basecamp to change financial aid selections.
- “Payments” include any payments already received on the account.
- Increases and decreases to the student account balance through changes in enrollment, additional payments received on the student’s account, changes in financial aid, or for any other reason, can change the payment plan balance and the scheduled installment payments. The rebalancing of the payment plan to reflect the changes occurs daily through an automated process, or by a student or authorized user logging on to their payment plan to review the plan activity.
- If any changes occur to the student account (i.e.: added/dropped courses, additional payments posted to the student account, financial aid applied or reversed, etc.) within seven business days of the next installment payment to be drafted, that payment WILL NOT increase. The responsible party must still be prepared to make that installment payment on the scheduled date. The remaining installment payments will be adjusted according to the new “Balance.”
- Students can be determined ineligible from payment plans due to unsuccessful scheduled payments.