Leadville/Lake County Fire Rescue partners with CMC

Leadville Fire's operations chief to take leadership role at CMC's Fire Academy

Colorado Mountain College Leadville and Leadville/Lake County Fire Rescue have had a strong relationship for a number of years, which has recently been further strengthened. In January 2021, CMC and the City of Leadville signed an intergovernmental agreement that will allow for an expansion of CMC’s Fire Academy I, to the benefit of students and taxpayers.

CMC Leadville’s Fire Academy cadets train at the Gypsum burn tower to gain live structure fire experience.

CMC Leadville’s Fire Academy cadets train at the Gypsum burn tower to gain live structure fire experience. Leadville/Lake County Fire Operations Chief Sean Simon is now taking a lead instructor role at the college’s academy.

While Dan Dailey, LLCFR fire chief, and Sean Simon, operations chief, have been adjunct faculty in the college’s Fire Academy 1, this agreement allows Simon to take a larger role at the college. As a Leadville/Lake County Fire Rescue city employee, he will now directly assist the college with program coordination and curriculum development for the campus’s fire academy, a semester-long course that certifies students with the basic skills necessary for firefighting careers.

“We are partnering to enhance the learning opportunities that we offer in fire and emergency services education by engaging Operations Chief Simon to be the lead instructor for our fire academy and to help shape the future of this type of training at CMC Leadville,” said Rachel Pokrandt, CMC vice president and dean of the college’s Leadville and Salida campuses.

Under the agreement, Simon will work directly with college staff to schedule and plan Fire Academy 1. He’ll recruit retired and current firefighters to become academy instructors, coordinate student interns, and procure college and fire rescue equipment and locations for on- and off-campus training.

“This partnership allows us to efficiently and effectively use taxpayer dollars, and to enhance educational experiences and emergency services,” said Pokrandt.

“I’m excited for the opportunity to build on our longstanding relationship with CMC and to improve our emergency service training options in Lake County,” said Simon.

Visit CMC Fire Academy for more information.