Kendrick Neubecker

Kendrick Neubecker

Kendrick Neubecker

Adjunct Professor, Sustainability Studies
970-376-1918 |

Location: Eagle


  • M.Ed. in Experiential Education, University of Colorado – Boulder
  • B.A., Geology, Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin

Sustainability Studies Courses

  • SUS 440 Watershed Science and Land Use

Current Professional and Community Work

  • Director, The Western Rivers Institute
  • Environmental Representative, Colorado River Basin Roundtable
  • Colorado Mesa University Water Center Advisory Council
  • Colorado Professional Land Surveyor, No. 24325

Past Activity

  • Eagle County Planning Commission
  • Governor’s Forest Health Advisory Council
  • President, Colorado Trout Unlimited

Research Interests and Activities

Ecology of river ecosystems; history and development of western water law, administration, and policy; developing needed changes in water law and policy to better reflect 21st century needs and values.

I first became involved in river conservation and water issues from my love of fly-fishing and the Eagle River, starting with the Homestake II trans-mountain diversion project and the Eagle Mine disaster in the early 1990s. I have been involved with statewide and local water issues and planning efforts for 20 years.

Water will be one of the defining issues for the 21st century. Our water needs are growing at the same time the “supply” is shrinking, and climate change is looming larger every day. Providing water for viable agriculture, communities, and rivers is our challenge. It is imperative that we begin to see and think of rivers as rivers, not simply as conduits that deliver water solely for our use. How we use land and rivers — the watershed — will determine the long-term sustainability of our society.