Learn more about receiving credit for prior learning through Portfolio
Portfolio development is for those individuals who have prior learning that cannot be measured by testing through standardized or other competency exams. In order to have prior learning considered for credit, Students will be required to document and/or demonstrate what important knowledge, skills or competencies they have attained and align these with student learning outcomes for particular courses.
Portfolio Process
Before the start of a semester, interested students should meet with their counselor/academic advisor to discuss credit for prior learning options. If neither standardized tests nor challenge exams are applicable, and Portfolio seems like a viable option, the advisor puts the student in contact with the campus ADI and the following Portfolio process is followed:
Step 1
The student and ADI review the portfolio rubric and the course syllabus to discuss the expectations and timeline for the portfolio.
Step 2
If determined that portfolio is a viable option for the student - ADI submits the Portfolio Development Agreement Form to Dean
Step 3
The student is then enrolled in the Portfolio Development Class in Canvas and pays the fee. The fees for completing the portfolio are non-refundable and assessed before you turn in the portfolio. Fees are 50% of current tuition for credits attempted through the portfolio process.
Step 4
Student compiles the portfolio and has ten weeks to complete. Portfolio Mentor provides guidance when necessary.
step 5
Once the portfolio is complete a Portfolio Evaluator has 3 weeks to assess the portfolio using the Portfolio Evaluation Rubric and Guide, to determine if credit can be awarded.
step 6 - Approved
If the evaluator determines that prior learning credit can be awarded for the portfolio, the Portfolio Evaluation Rubric is forwarded to the school dean/designee for signature and then forwarded to the Registrar to complete the process and award credit
step 6 - denied
Should the Evaluator determine that no credit would be awarded, the review process ends. The student will be notified by the dean. The credit determination may be appealed following the college’s appeal process.
Portfolio Fees
The Portfolio review process for credit for prior learning has a non-refundable fee, payable to the registration staff at the student’s campus. The fees are assessed at 50% of the student’s tuition rate.
additional portfolio information & considerations
A separate portfolio must be submitted for each course that a student is seeking credit.
Students seeking credit for prior learning can complete the standardized test, institutional challenge exam, or portfolio at any point prior to the semester of the student applying for graduation.
Exceptions may exist and need approval as credit for prior learning (CPL) requests may not be accepted if student is in the process of applying for graduation at CMC. Requests for exceptions must be made to CMC Registrar by the student and/or advisor.
Students completing a portfolio for CPL, must register and pay for the Portfolio Development Class in the first two weeks of the semester.
Submitting a portfolio does not guarantee that credit will be awarded.
The student must score a C- or higher on the portfolio in order to receive credit.
Successful portfolios will result in the awarding of an equivalent course with a grade of P and identified as “Awarded Credit” on the student’s transcript.
CTE - Industry Certifications
Credit for Prior learning issued from a professional certification earned from local, state, or national certifications that are deemed to be the equivalent of specific CMC courses are not charged the assessment fee. Please meet with your counselor or advisor to discuss, and if eligible, they will submit the CTE request for review.