Professional Work Experience
Learn more about receiving credit for on-the-job learning
CMC recognizes that students may have gained direct professional work experience through paid employment in an uncredentialled or developmental role with an employer prior to completion of a degree program or full licensure. CMC offers a work experience assessment option to provide credit for on-the-job learning and experiences similar to that of a placed professional experience course. There are certain pre-approved work experience courses for which the student can seek credit:
The process for having industry certificates reviewed is initiated by the Counselor/Advisor. The student needs to provide their resume to their Counselor/Advisor which is then attached to the CPL- Work Experience Docusign form.
After the form is submitted by the Counselor/Advisor it routes to the Dean to review the resume to determine if the work experience should be evaluated for potential awarded credit. If the Dean denies the request, they may recommend portfolio instead.
If the Dean approves, the form will route to Academic Affairs to build the course section and assign faculty. The form will then route to the campus to assist the student in registering and paying for the course.
The student will be required to pay 50% of the credit hours at their tuition rate, and the award of credit is not guaranteed. If no credit is awarded, no refund will be issued.
The student will then have access to the course in Canvas and is required to submit:
- Time in Profession: Resume and proof of employment (hours equivalent or more to credit-based 45 hours per credit)
- Scope of Work: Job description
- Verification of Skills: On-boarding description and completion documentation from employer or employer sign-off of skills checklist.
- Endorsement of student: Supervisor and/or trainer letter of recommendation
After campus staff register the student, the form is routed to the Faculty notifying them to review the information submitted in Canvas.
After reviewing the work experience, the faculty selects approve or deny on the form and it routes to the Registrar’s Office. If approved, the Registrar’s Office will post the awarded credit to the student’s record.
If the student wishes to seek credit for work experience for a course not on the pre-approved list, the advisor/counselor can still submit the form with the resume. The Dean will review the resume and determine whether it can be evaluated for equivalent credit and added to pre-approved list OR recommend that the prior learning needs to go through portfolio review.