Tutoring for CMC Spring Valley & Glenwood
Tutoring is free for all CMC students. Drop in or make an appointment! Click on the blue icon below to see online tutoring options and collegewide tutoring.
We are in the process of hiring more in-person tutors. Please check back soon.
In Person Tutoring:
Adobe Suite for Isaacson School students:
- Wednesday & Thursday, 4 pm - 5:30 pm. Spring Valley Calaway Building, Alpine Lab, Room 146
- Sunday, 2 pm - 5 pm, Spring Valley Calaway Building, Alpine Lab, Room 146
- or contact Nikki at navail@mail.coloradomtn.edu to schedule a time
- Questions about tutoring? Contact tutoring@coloradomtn.edu
Brainfuse Online Tutoring - available 24/7
Brainfuse is an online resource that allows students to receive hours of online tutoring anywhere, at no cost. Tutoring is offered in many areas including business, math, writing, science, and more. All students registered for a credit course can access Brainfuse through your Canvas course shell.