Q: Can I add information or alter the signature that was generated?
A: If the signature generator doesn’t produce a signature for your situation, try again with different options. If that doesn’t work, please request a custom signature using the Marketing Work Requests Form.
Q: I’m struggling to setup my signature in Outlook. Who can help?
A: Follow the instructions on this webpage, then contact the wizards at the CMC Service Desk if you still need help.
Q: Can I add an inspirational quote to my signature?
A: Your email signature represents CMC and its brand. Please don't presume your inspirational quote speaks for all of us. Inspire your email recipients in your eloquent message.
Q: Can I add a “do not print” statement to my signature?
A: While these statements are well intentioned, those who print… are going to print. Adding, “do not print”, creates more space and ink for them to print!
Q: Can I add the CMC mission statement, CMC values, old logo, old tagline, department logo, personal photo, personal social media links, my dog's photo, etc. to my CMC signature?
A: Though we like to say yes, sometimes we just have to say no. No, no, no, and no.
Q: What about adding CMC's social media icons/links?
A: Employees that work in a recruiting or marketing role where they are emailing prospects and applicants directly can request social media icons for an alternate external signature. Request yours from marketing at the email address above.
Q: Can I add a confidentiality statement to my signature?
A: Yes! (See, we can say yes!) Please ensure these are consistent across your department. Create an alternate Outlook signature to use only when needed. The statement will be below your signature, separated by a space. Contact our General Counsel for clarity on when they are needed or to have your department’s confidentially statement(s) reviewed.
Q: I work in multiple roles for CMC, such as full time staff and adjunct. Can I create multiple signatures?
A: Yes! Generate as many signatures as you need. Just use the most appropriate signature for each email.