Colin Laird

Colin Laird

Colin Laird

Adjunct Instructor, Sustainability Studies
970-309-2053 |


  • Master of Science, Community Development, University of California, Davis
  • Bachelor of Arts, Biology, Brown University

Research and Writing Interests

  • Collaborative Problem Solving
  • Community Design & Placemaking
  • Local & Regional Economic Development
  • Public Policy
  • Regional Planning
  • Social Entrepreneurship

“Anything given ... can be re-imagined.” - Seamus Heaney

Over the last 25 years, I have worked to develop community-based solutions to challenges faced at many levels of society — from transit funding and youth development to affordable housing and sustainable development.

I helped catalyze regional cooperation in the Roaring Fork and Colorado River valleys among area governments through projects (on issues such as transportation, affordable housing, youth development and indicators) and annual and monthly events (such as the State of the Valley Symposiums and the Mountain Mayors meetings).

In 2007, I helped create the Roaring Fork Community Development Corporation, which fostered the partnership to transform the Carbondale Elementary School into the Third Street Center. I served as Executive Director of Third Street through the development and construction phase (2008-2010) and rejoined Third Street Center as Executive Director again in July 2014.

Third Street Center is a self-sustaining, nonprofit community center and community development corporation that is home to 36 organizations (26 nonprofit, 8 artists and two small businesses). Since opening in 2010, Third Street Center has become a regional hub and community institution. Over 100 employees work in this solar powered facility, which hosts 3000+ meetings in its community rooms.

I think of Third Street Center as an example of “applied sustainability.” In the course on Social Entrepreneurship, I help students explore the opportunities and challenges of building a more sustainable world by combining business principles and social mission.